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Maico in TV

"Sentire meglio me lo merito" è il nuovo spot tv che segna l’approdo di Maico Italia sulla Rai. [Guarda lo spot]

X Framework includes a new feature for Joomla Templates known as regions. Each group of modules is placed in a Region wrapper that allows for custom Vertical layout of module positions. Our Region controller will also allow you to turn areas of the website on or off just by remove the region area from the list!

EcoSpa includes 8 Regions that can be adjusted from the X Framework template administration panel. Regions with columns can also be sorted using the Column Parameters

Regions can also be controlled from the fronted of your Template by adding a custom url code to your menu path: regioncfg=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Region 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Example

Region 1,4,3,10,2,5,6,7,8,9,11 Example

Region 2,1,4,3,10,6,5,9,8,7,11 Example

Region 1,8,3,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Example

View Region Layout

XTC Framework also includes column parameters for regions with multi column based layouts. Each group of modules is placed in a Column sort order that allows for custom Horizontal layout of module positions such as LEFT : RIGHT : COMPONENT or LEFT : COMPONENT : RIGHT.

StrataWerks Menu Styles:

Stratawerks has 2 core menu styles for the Main Menu: Suckerfish and DualFish.
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JoomlaXTC XTC Framework template system provides complete control over the template styles, from Width Adjustments, Region and Column Layout, Backgrounds, Font Colors / Sizes / Typeset, Module Layout, Menus and much more.

Using the standard Joomla! programming interface, the XTC Framework provides simple yet powerful template creation tools that allows developers to rapidly build or change every aspect of template elements and its administration panel and provide final users with easy and familiar controls to configure the template.

The following are some of the available features, more are coming!


Layouts define the overall location of elements in the template, they can have their own set of style, typography or any other CSS Parameter Groups. Also they can have their own custom parameters for added functionality such as custom code, Javascript calls, etc.

  • Support for one or multiple layouts each one with its own set of parameters. Switch your entire site look in two clicks!
  • Layouts can share the same module position names or have custom ones for increased flexibility.
  • CSS3 Responsive Bootstrapped Grid.
  • Support mobile devices.
  • Creating a new layout is as easy as copying the current one into another folder!
  • PHP-based layout code allows any kind of customization or logic to be used
  • Intelligent Grid rendering with standard Joomla! jdoc calls is available for easy placement of content areas
  • The grid engine creates automatic CSS classes for easy styling: Need to edit the header of the bottom module in the first column of region3? CSS is as easy as: #region3 .firstcolumn .lastarea h3 {}
  • Use region-based layouts with selectable region display order
  • Easily switch column display order within a region
  • From simple to advanced template layouts, the choice is yours!


Style Management:

XTC delivers powerful CSS features to ease the styling of templates. For example, you can combine multiple CSS preset styles to obtain the right look for your site. XTC template CSS can be split in as many groups as needed, each one capable of sharing one or more template parameters to control what you want, and if you need more groups, creating new ones is really simple.

  • Use Parameters Groups to organize CSS in many ways: Colors and Graphics, Module suffixes, Typography, Menu styling, etc.
  • Use one CSS file with one or multiple Parameter Groups, or multiple CSS files for each group.
  • CSS files can be edited from template backend, or use the template.css file to override any other CSS.
  • Use PHP code inside CSS files with full access to all parameters for custom styles.
  • Does not require multiple calls for CSS files to server
  • Making an extra sets of parameters is as easy as copying one file!


Easy Menus:

Three menu modes included by default: Suckerfish, Two-column suckerfish and Drop line, each one selectable as a class in any mainmenu module!

  • Support list rendering
  • Automatic CSS classes added for easy styling
  • MooTools based for total compatibility


Framework Features:

  • Fast, Joomla! API standard
  • Select which components to show or hide in the frontpage
  • Include all the CSS as part of the HTML document, as separate files or as a single file with the flip of a switch.
  • Selectable CSS gzip compression for increased throughput
  • Mark any parameter as "public" to allow their values be set from URL calls
  • Public parameter values are independent by user/visitor
  • Customizable CSS for the administation panel
StrataWerks comes with 60+ Core module suffix styles in various colors. Each suffix can be applied to a module by adding the suffix class to the Module Class Suffix in the Module Parameters of the module.

The Icon Suffix Styles can have different text colors for the second word simply by adding one of the 5 color values after the suffix (red,green,blue,yello,grey,cyan).

example: round-icon-green purple

This example will give you the Green Round Icon and Purple text for the second word.

The Default Module can be styled via the XTC Framework Parameters - Everything from Icon, Backgrounds, Multiple Text Colors, Borders, Padding and more are right at your finger tips!

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Bambini & Ipoacusia

A partire dalla nascita, è molto importante fare un primo esame dell’udito. Dal punto di vista audiologico costituiscono un gruppo assolutamente speci...

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