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Il Timpano Soluzioni per Te

Sai che l'udito è importante anche per la tua sicurezza? Pochi minuti possono essere sufficienti a salvaguardare la nostra salute uditiva.

Come si svolge un esame audiometrico? Ecco i test che vengono eseguiti più frequentemente.

Maico in TV

"Sentire meglio me lo merito" è il nuovo spot tv che segna l’approdo di Maico Italia sulla Rai. [Guarda lo spot]


JoomlaXTC Extensions

JoomlaXTC Power Tabs

The most amazing tabbed module and component combo for Joomla!

JoomlaXTC Appointment Book Combo

The Appointment Book Manager component is an easy-to-use tool to create and administer appointment requests for one or multiple calendars.


Become an instant high definition news portal thanks to the Joomla XTC Deluxe News Pro Module. This powerful module makes your site the ultimate news network with ease by displaying your Joomla content with custom CSS and HTML in a module position. Choose your articles with category, section, and more control than ever. Customize your vision of the news by using the module’s ability to display Joomla Plugins in articles, display columns, grids, as well as scrolling content for sliders and slideshows. Newspro 3.5 also includes display modes for MyBlog, IDoBlog and much more.

Joomla Contacts Wall

Showcase your site Contacts with the JoomlaXTC Contacts Wall! This module gives you the power to display the core Joomla Component contacts with your custom CSS and HTML in a module position. It's the perfect tool for developers with custom styles in mind. Along with the custom layout the module can display columns and grids as well as scrolling events for sliders and slideshows! This module requires moderate to advanced css and html knowledge.

This is an H1 Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut nunc lorem, eleifend vel, rhoncus sed, congue quis, leo. Aliquam dignissim dui quis purus. Phasellus vehicula, ante eu mollis pharetra, enim felis iaculis lacus, congue ullamcorper lorem eros at libero.

This is an H2 Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut nunc lorem, eleifend vel, rhoncus sed, congue quis, leo. Aliquam dignissim dui quis purus. Phasellus vehicula, ante eu mollis pharetra, enim felis iaculis lacus, congue ullamcorper lorem eros at libero.

This is an H3 Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut nunc lorem, eleifend vel, rhoncus sed, congue quis, leo. Aliquam dignissim dui quis purus. Phasellus vehicula, ante eu mollis pharetra, enim felis iaculis lacus, congue ullamcorper lorem eros at libero.

This is an H4 Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut nunc lorem, eleifend vel, rhoncus sed, congue quis, leo. Aliquam dignissim dui quis purus. Phasellus vehicula, ante eu mollis pharetra, enim felis iaculis lacus, congue ullamcorper lorem eros at libero.

This is an H5 Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut nunc lorem, eleifend vel, rhoncus sed, congue quis, leo. Aliquam dignissim dui quis purus. Phasellus vehicula, ante eu mollis pharetra, enim felis iaculis lacus, congue ullamcorper lorem eros at libero.

Dropcap Style
ropcap Styling for article intros and much more. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut nunc lorem, eleifend vel, rhoncus sed, congue quis, leo. Aliquam dignissim dui quis purus. Phasellus vehicula, ante eu mollis pharetra, enim felis iaculis lacus, congue ullamcorper lorem eros at libero.

Example Quote Class

Clean and Lean, the second template from JoomlaXTC delivers a fresh new CSS based design perfect for Online Magazine's, Blogs, Social Portals, Fashion, Entertainment, and so much more. Inspired from the simplistic style of high profile marketing and the colorful, yet clean world of CSS, Genre creates another branded style of JoomlaXTC!

Example LG Quote Class

Inspired from the simplistic style of high profile marketing and the colorful, yet clean world of CSS, Genre creates another branded style of JoomlaXTC!

Code Class
This is the code div class. Curabitur bibendum metus porta dui sagittis sagittis. Suspendisse placerat orci eget massa. Donec vitae nisi. Sed tincidunt adipiscing mauris. In lorem. Maecenas dapibus commodo sapien. Nam nulla.

Highlight Class
This is the highlight div class. Curabitur bibendum metus porta dui sagittis sagittis. Suspendisse placerat orci eget massa. Donec vitae nisi. Sed tincidunt adipiscing mauris. In lorem. Maecenas dapibus commodo sapien. Nam nulla.

Bubble Div Styles

Pink Bubble Style

Blue Bubble Style

Red Bubble Style

Green Bubble Style

Orange Bubble Style

Yellow Bubble Style

Grey Bubble Style

This the note style. Curabitur bibendum metus porta dui sagittis sagittis. Suspendisse placerat orci eget massa. Donec vitae nisi. Sed tincidunt adipiscing mauris. In lorem. Maecenas dapibus commodo sapien. Nam nulla.

UL List Styles

  • This is checklist
  • This is articlelist
  • This is starlist
  • This is arrowlist
  • This is xlist
  • This is astlist
  • This is movielist
  • This is bloglist
  • This is photolist
  • This is datelist

Joomla P Class Styles

This is a sample of the 'error' style.

This is a sample of the 'ideas' style.

This is a sample of the 'message' style.

This is a sample of the 'astrix' style.

This is com

This is mod

This is plug

This is lang

Custom P Class Styles

This is RSS

This is a sample of the 'download' style.

This is a sample of the 'x' style.

This is xblack

This is heart

This is photored

This is photoblue

This is photogreen

This is photoorange

This is photopink

This is photogrey

This is photoblack

This is starred

This is starblue

This is stargreen

This is starorange

This is stargrey

Font Awesome Icons

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Estetica e Design

L’estetica ed il design dei nuovi apparecchi acustici sono semplicemente eccellenti. Nulla a che vedere con i modelli del passato: la miniaturizzazion...

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Con il termine acufeni o tinnito intendiamo la percezione di fastidiosi ronzii, fischi, o rumori non presenti realmente nelll’esterno, ma avvertiti in...

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Bambini & Ipoacusia

A partire dalla nascita, è molto importante fare un primo esame dell’udito. Dal punto di vista audiologico costituiscono un gruppo assolutamente speci...

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